Contemplate I admire the simple things and contemplate complicated matters open hearted. Cyanotype print, double exposed 47 x
Two young lovers
Two Young Lovers, cyanotype.
When it comes to chewing gum
The path of driftwood leaves its scars
What Have They Done to the Rain
Just a little rain falling all around,The grass lifts it’s head to the heavenly sound.Just a little rain, just a little
# Darkness
Colpo di Fulmine – Darkness
The desolate streets Brussels smiled at us.
Saudade and Duende. Saudade describes a deep emotional state; a yearning for happiness that has passed, or never even existed.
Expositie Galerie Schippers
“Colpo di Fulmine” Vanaf zondag 11 oktober te zien bij galerie Schippers aan de Kazernestraat 114-a in Den Haag.
Sicilian summer
A Sicilian summer at it best
Colpo di fulmine
An unexpected but decisive moment of absolute beauty, surprisingly powerful and intense in emotion. Intertwined and inseparabl
Urbanization series
Large format cyanotype prints
Catch of the day
London subway
Mother and child in the London subway. 70 x 100 cm cyanotype print.